
The City of Madrid has joined a campaign that helps elderly people and those in need to bring out the rubbish bags (YoTeAyudoConLaBasura). This initiative helps the elderly citizens to respect the quarantine and to not put themselves in any risk. 

In order to take part to this initiative, all participants must at all times respect the health instructions (use of gloves and mask) and the other social distancing measures recommended by the public authorities. 

Volunteers must provide the organization with various information: name, street where they live and number of the building. 
The managing team is made of students from the Rey Juan Carlos University. Through the web platform and mobile application, this managing team sets up and coordinates various groups of volunteers. 

To achieve the widest possible participation, the volunteer students have launched various communication channels via social networks (e.g. Instagram, Twitter and Facebook) as well as a dedicated email address.