ICC library

  • Report
Twin transition of cities
  • Guide
Reskilling Guide
A Pragmatic Guide to Reskilling
  • Guide
green economy
Local Green Deals - A Blueprint for Action
Molina de Segura's final deliverable
  • Presentation
ICC Mayors Forum
ICC Conference and Mayors Forum - Day 1
  • Presentation
ICC Conference
ICC Conference and Mayors Forum - Day 2
  • Presentation
5th ICC City Lab: Public Procurement
  • Good practise
Installing solar panels
Green deals for a smart, green and healthy future of the Amsterdam Metropolis
  • Presentation
solar energy
Amsterdam: Programs and initiatives for skill and ecosystem development
  • Presentation
city scape
Artificial Intelligence - Redefining urban innovation
  • Good practise
ASU mobile app
Engaging Communities, Uniting Common Needs in Arizona
  • Presentation
Amsterdam canal
4th ICC City Lab: Green economy and local green deals part 1