Coronavirus València

València focused the response against the COVID19 crisis around the objective of providing information and support to citizens, and managing the different situational awareness required by the Municipal Coordination Center (CECOPAL) necessary to guarantee the maintenance of municipal services and the proper crisis management of València City Council. 

The core of the solution is the València City Platform (VLCi platform) where data and information from many municipal information systems (population, integral water cycle, mobility, electronic headquarters, municipal buildings...) are consolidated, as well as information on devices that are deployed in the city (environmental noise and traffic sensors, traffic control cameras, lighting controllers, etc.) more information available at

They offer their citizens updated and consolidated information and communication, through the Information Unified COVID19 Site: and the AppValència.

These solutions provides real-time information about the crisis, like dynamics dashboards fueled by the information provided by our City Platform (water management, traffic flows, air quality and noise level, etc.), useful information from our municipal services, news and the twitter timelines of the municipal accounts and an overview of the national level situation.